Wild Shell Poetry in Toau

Writing visual poetry with found natural objects from the wild atoll of Toau in the Tuamotu Archipelago in French Polynesia in November 2015


oyster shell and sea urchin spikes woven together with a little piece of found string

coconut critter

bicycle tubes encasing shells

colored pencil leaf

weathered pencil urchin spikes

coral crafty crab

shell speak

coral keys

turn the key! open the lock!

day glow snail trails

snail trails

driftroot shell

bone collection

grounded crown

urchins stitched

industrial urchins

hey pal!

nuts and bolts and spikes

rusty outboard engine gets some spare parts from the sea

pearl farm plastic sentiment

melted pearl farm rope wrapped with pastel turquoise

sun bleached turquoise

clip it on

urchin buoy fish shack

urchin spike buoy

urchin buoy

sweet home by the sea

urchin collar silky lagoon

dyed fabrics and sea urchins

urchin motor geometry

crusty rust and corrosion

urchin star

coral star



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