Entering the Doldrums

April 26 2015

0930 UTC

7 01.8 N

122 06.7 W


convergence zone


its all the same

lev o gauge repeat

engine on

low RPMs around 800 for fuel economy

motor sailing with 110 genoa

tinkering with sheet trim

balancing shape

do not desire drag from over hardening

we wish to harness enough wind

to boost SOG 1 kn

up to the high 5s

rough sea sunset

dreary cumulus smother shining half moon

hazy windows to heavens float by

twinkles of outer space flirt in and out of perspective

cloud to cloud lightning fire

crooked sparks spontaneously illuminate dark masses

no thunder heard

hot dark heavy humid massive

calmly confused 1’ mostly NE seas

we head dead south

7 degrees to go

longing for those idyllic SE trades

to blow us happily ever after to the Marquesas

rainbow sprinkled

wet dodger naoma

surfing downwind

swell carries us down

boosts our speed

cradles and rocks us along

chasing our stern

line repeat 1

yellowtail drafting our wake

playing in kicked up ocean dust

weaving over and under our wake

unpredictable patterns to and fro

winch sunset

bio luminescence

sparkling underwater

agitated waters glow

powerful strokes electrified

paddling into light

on a new moon night

singing to the sky poem socorro

yummy times

on SV Naoma, twoafloat.com

isla socorro (in the background of the picture above) // early april // 2015

50’+ visibility warm waters

straight down to the sculpted sand bottom

rainbow sprinkled with rocks and fish

Northern California

20140820-185202 shibori window indigo love

Crunch! Sargassum (aka wireweed) makes a delicious snack as we hike along the ocean

sea beans stevo and dad on a rock spongey rock lost coast stevo dad breakfast lost coast

Stephen and David Dargie enjoying a homemade meal



Collecting wild sea urchins on my paddle board, for lunch, by Santa Cruz Island, in California’s Channel Islands


Holly Dargie, harvesting flowers for the dinner table, and native plants like purslane to make a locally sourced salad

ladybug hat seaweed make driftwood

Make it Happen!!!

illuminated ocean stones

Found pebbles at the Lost Coast, on the Northern California coast

itajime in the wind'



Organic indigo shibori dyed silk organza blowing in the window of our driftwood home

kitchen window driftwood

David Dargie enjoying a book in the living room


dinner lost coast california food

Aline Dargie holding colorful californian heirloom beans, okra, basil and thyme, to steam


driftwood home

our driftwood home for a few nights

aline driftwood galley 20140804-182456

natural treasures everywhere